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Leadership lessons from Corporate Chanakya

Corporate Chanakya

I think you know well about chanakya or at least you have some idea about him. you don't know about him then you can read my previous article by clicking here -> Chanakya Neeti

Now you might think what to do with ancient sage type person with today's corporate world. you will surprise when you know that chanakya's leadership principles are as correct as that time (around 2200 year before). at that time king was the leader of the whole kingdom and their people. nowadays in  corporate world the  Chief Executive Officer (CEO)  is leader of the company. so the principles which applied to the king can also applied to the CEO of the company.
Here one thing keep in mind that leadership principles are not for only CEO of the company but any individual can learn and become a good leader by following them. because it can helps you to grow  not only in your professional life but in your personal life also.
Before we started our discussion i want you to let you know that there are basically four type of leadership.
       1.    Political Leadership
       2.    Social Leadership
       3.    Spiritual Leadership
       4.    Corporate Leadership
They are required and important  because they are pillar of the society. Leadership principles are for all of them you can applied on whichever you want.
here the author Dr.Radhakrishnan Pillai  talks leadership in terms of corporate leadership. but you can also this with other types also. so now let's start about the book review and lessons...
We discuss the key point of the leadership.
Power of Enthusiasm And Moral
Chanakya said that a leader who is charged with enthusiasm and a high level of moral can create Intellectual Power, Man Power and Financial Power. Which are required for any organization to function. Without intellectual power organization can't run because it is intangible asset of any organization. The corporate world is today led by knowledge workers. Man Power means the peoples who are working in the company and for the an external man power includes the customer, suppliers etc. Financial success ensures the progress of an organization. as we know without finance the company can't exist at all. And to invest and expansion of the company also depends on the financial success.
Power brings Responsibilities
  "For the king, there is (danger of) revolt in the interior or in the outer regions."
What does 'revolt' mean to a business leader?
It means dissatisfied employees, shareholders, and stakeholders, who are integral elements of the organization. There are also external threats from suppliers, customers, and clients.
Setting an Example
In Gita Lord Krishna said, "Whatever standard the leader sets, others follow." So set high standards, and make sure you follow them yourself.
Always remember one thing - small mistakes are not small if committed by people at the top. you can relate easily with political leaders of any country. When top leader usually president or prime minister of the country makes any small mistake then people of that have to suffer as a result of that mistake. So it is very important for any leader that he/she should avoid making mistakes. If he/she continues doing mistakes then they lose faith of the subordinates and people working with. and at the end he/she loose own credibility. But at the same time
Don't Be Afraid To Make Mistake
It seems like contradictory statements but they are not because many times you have to take bold decisions to move ahead and get progress. For this you have to make different strategy and plans. To test them you need to applied it and work on it. Many times that may be work or may not be work. but important thing is learn from the mistakes.

A leader with a vision is the prime requirement of any good company, organization, or society.
The next step is to transform his vision into reality. This happens through hard work and ability to inspire others to pitch in and dedicate themselves to the eventual goal. And all this is possible with Self-discipline.
There are many other interesting things written in this book.

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